Full Quill Ostrich Leather Cowboy Boot Care

Full Quill Ostrich Leather Cowboy Boot Care

While leather is known for its durability, this material requires special care to protect its beauty and to maximize longevity. Your full quill ostrich cowboy boots are understandably one of your favorite pairs of shoes. Regardless of whether you plan to wear them several times each week or only on special occasions, following proper care tips will help you to get the most life out of your boots.

Routine Care of Ostrich Leather Cowboy Boots

Each time you venture out in your full quill ostrich boots, they likely will accumulate a fine layer of dirt and dust or even mud. As is the case with other types of leather, ostrich leather is absorbent. Cleaning with any chemical-based products is not recommended, and water should only be used in special circumstances. Most dirt that may gather on your boots through regular wear can be wiped away gently with a soft cloth or a soft-bristle brush designed specifically for this task.

Unlike other animal skin leathers, ostrich leather can be damaged by oils on your skin. When putting the boots on and pulling them off, use the straps as much as possible so that you can refrain from touching the body of the boot. When the boots will not be worn again for a while, store them in the original protective bag that they came in at the time of purchase. Extended exposure to sunlight and artificial light can damage ostrich leather.

Special Care Instructions

With regular use, you likely will run into situations that require special attention and care techniques. For example, the boots may become stained by various substances. A slightly damp cloth may remove most materials from the leather. Ensure that you thoroughly wipe and absorb moisture from the boots as soon as possible after removing the stain. If the staining substance is oil-based, applying a light layer of talcum powder to the stain may effectively pull out the oil. You can then use the damp cloth to finalize the cleaning effort. For substances that may permanently stain boots, such as ink, the substance should be wiped clean as soon as possible and before the stain has time to set.

Avoid using any chemical-based cleaners on your boots regardless of what the staining substance is. When you’re wet from stepping in a puddle, cleaning or something else, a dry cloth should be used to soak up as much of the moisture as possible without delay.

Tips for Maximum Longevity of Ostrich Leather Boots

When properly cared for, your full quill ostrich leather boots may be an integral part of your wardrobe for many long years. After cleaning, you can apply a special conditioner made specifically for this type of boot. Before using a new product, test it in an inconspicuous area to ensure that it does not damage the leather. Always follow the conditioning instructions on the product label. Conditioning is recommended as soon the leather feels dried out.

After conditioning, apply a special polish designed for ostrich leather. Buff the polish with a soft cloth to ensure even application and to generate a beautiful sheen. You may also apply a water-resistant stain protector periodically to the boots. Resoling your boots may be required over time and with extensive wear. This is a great way to maximize the life of your boots, and this should only be completed by an experienced and reputable shoemaker.

While ostrich leather cowboy boots require special care, you can see that these steps are relatively easy to follow. By doing so, you can enjoy your boots for many years to come.

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